As Prithviraj,who has been on a purple patch off-late joins hands with Jeethu Joseph the man behind last year's run-away hit'My Boss'.One is bound to have reasonable expectations especially since it was touted to be a psychological thriller.Its Jeethu's first attempt at the thriller genre after his debut effort Detective which is why it is disappointing to see him make the same mistakes yet again
Memories is one movie which takes its time to gather its steam.The initial half is mostly used to portray the emotional turmoil of its protagonist Sam Alex coutesy a tragic past in which the officer's smartness clearly got back-fired and resulted in the loss of his loved ones.But as a serial killer starts wreaking havoc the master-minds in the department are bound to turn to Sam Alex and in the process of investigation Sam is expected to regain his lost ground
So its only few minutes before intermission that the movie picks up pace and starts entering into thriller territory.Having to watch the turbulent life of a chronic alcoholic is supposed to be a drag and Jeethu's screenplay is not entirely tight either.What is disappointing is how the movie retraces the cliched elements like a smart woman journalist getting interested in the case of protagonist and those ego clashes between the officers involved in the case.
Memories manages to interest the audien as it reaches the half way mark.But its clearly a movie that fails in its most important segments.The whole back story of the murderer brings the tempo of the movie down as its both appalingly shot and poorly written.By then,its clear that Jeethu's attention is just to hold the attention of the audien till the end credit starts rolling but the least that you expect from a mystery is a genuinely surprising final reveal but sad to say it comes off as a big downer that even hardcore loyalists of the genre are likely to complain.
What stays with you however and clearly holds this from being a train wreck is the extremely fine performance of prithviraj.prithvi puts his heart and soul to the role of the depressed police officer who seeks to turn over a new leaf in his life.
Memories is indeed a technically fine film and almost all the major elements are in sync with the movie expect of course,for the writing.Watch it if you must for yet another solid show by its protagonist
Rating - 2/5
As Prithviraj,who has been on a purple patch off-late joins hands with Jeethu Joseph the man behind last year's run-away hit'My Boss'.One is bound to have reasonable expectations especially since it was touted to be a psychological thriller.Its Jeethu's first attempt at the thriller genre after his debut effort Detective which is why it is disappointing to see him make the same mistakes yet again
Memories is one movie which takes its time to gather its steam.The initial half is mostly used to portray the emotional turmoil of its protagonist Sam Alex coutesy a tragic past in which the officer's smartness clearly got back-fired and resulted in the loss of his loved ones.But as a serial killer starts wreaking havoc the master-minds in the department are bound to turn to Sam Alex and in the process of investigation Sam is expected to regain his lost ground
So its only few minutes before intermission that the movie picks up pace and starts entering into thriller territory.Having to watch the turbulent life of a chronic alcoholic is supposed to be a drag and Jeethu's screenplay is not entirely tight either.What is disappointing is how the movie retraces the cliched elements like a smart woman journalist getting interested in the case of protagonist and those ego clashes between the officers involved in the case.
Memories manages to interest the audien as it reaches the half way mark.But its clearly a movie that fails in its most important segments.The whole back story of the murderer brings the tempo of the movie down as its both appalingly shot and poorly written.By then,its clear that Jeethu's attention is just to hold the attention of the audien till the end credit starts rolling but the least that you expect from a mystery is a genuinely surprising final reveal but sad to say it comes off as a big downer that even hardcore loyalists of the genre are likely to complain.
What stays with you however and clearly holds this from being a train wreck is the extremely fine performance of prithviraj.prithvi puts his heart and soul to the role of the depressed police officer who seeks to turn over a new leaf in his life.
Memories is indeed a technically fine film and almost all the major elements are in sync with the movie expect of course,for the writing.Watch it if you must for yet another solid show by its protagonist
Rating - 2/5