Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2013 -- A RECAP

It was an year which surely had its positives for me.In fact I am happy announce that it wasn't one of those numerous lazy years that i have had in my life.The year had a pleasant surprise  in store at the start for me and that undoubtedly is something that I would cherish for my entire life.My first attempt at a short story writing competition fetched me an A grade and it was the first time the writer in me was recognised with a backing of a certificate.I also enjoy all the fun we had during the trip as well.It was probably for the first time in my life I had so much fun with my friends.

A certain sense of optimism rose inside myself and I felt like doing things which I owing to certain fears have refused to do.Thus I made it a point to be a part of the college excursion and except for some pitfalls I was able to make most of the tour and enjoyed the destination and the camaraderie to the hilt.

I took part in almost all the functions that was held in my college and some of them ,specifically the Onam celebration shall have a special place in my heart.The best part of the year was that I was able to create a lot of good company from my college and it was great to interact with a large section of people who share the same taste as that of mine.

As year reached half-way mark.I joined a coaching institute and the classes there urged me to have a good outlook on eveything that surrounds me.Thus I  started paying more attention to the things happening in my society and became more inclined to Politics .

For a reasonably long period of three months I stood completely away from the cyber world and devoted more time to friends around me.It also gave me enough time to develop my reading habits .For first time in my life I was able to completely soak in to the world of literature.

Then came along those short film days,for perhaps the second time in my life I became a part of film-making process.And I have to admit that it was an excellent learning experience.In fact that learning didn't have much to do with the film itself but it gave me an opportunity to witness talent of a bunch of individuals and it also reminded me how far way I was from all of them.It clearly made me aware of my weak-links and I have tried to take back all the positive points from each member of the team.

It was an year where I tried to shed all my intellectual prentensions and tried to be myself.I realised that certain things kept myself away from enjoying my life to the fullest and decided that I would try to let more Joy and Happiness spread my life.

It was also good to stick with family at the year end and go on a tour with them.I also decided to make it a point that i remain more focused the coming year and involve myself more in the family matters and offer a helping hand to my Father and Mother and hopefully waste less of their hard earned money.

The year certainly shall be a landmark year since its in this year that I became completely aware of my strengths and more importantly weaknesses.Looking ahead,I feel that 2014 is going to be a tough grind.Its probably period where I will have to make the most important decisions that eventually decide where i would belong.Hope the experiences that I had this year would enable to guide me through those rough patches and see my life with optimism.

This year was mostly about friendship and bonding for me ,so before winding up I would want to thank all those who have been good to me and stuck with me over thick and thin and taught me many important facets of life.And I also wish to apologise if I have let anyone down

As Munnabhai puts it'Mere man bhi yeh likhkar halka hogaya hai'..:)...Happy New Year everyone..

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